Ride With Pride

Car mechanics and Lowrider collectors from Colorado unveil the rich cultural tapestry of the Lowrider community while challenging stereotypes and celebrating Hispanic heritage.
Ride With Pride

“Ride With Pride” is a heartfelt exploration of a subculture that has often been misunderstood and marginalized. As the director of this film, I embarked on a journey to shed light on the vibrant and passionate world of lowrider car culture and community in Colorado. 

Throughout filmmaking, I had the privilege of meeting the individuals within the low-rider community. I witnessed their dedication to their craft and their unwavering dedication to each other and their families. Being a lowrider is more than just driving a lowrider car. This film aims to capture the comradery and friendship that lowriding creates.

"Ride With Pride" celebrates diversity, creativity, and the power of shared passion. It goes beyond the polished exteriors of these cars to explore the stories and emotions that drive the people who create and drive them.

Ultimately, "Ride With Pride" is a tribute to the resilience of a subculture that has faced adversity and discrimination yet continues to thrive and inspire. I hope this film not only entertains but also enlightens and leaves a lasting impression on those who watch it.

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